Nothing is better than the added volume and long hair extensions can give you. But, nothing is worse than bad-quality extensions. Good quality extensions will enhance your hair and seamlessly add volume, length, and thickness. Quality is of utmost importance when looking for hair extensions; they’re also a huge investment. For these reasons, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite hair extension brands that offer high-quality clip-in extensions. We recommend keeping a set of sectioning hair clips ready to go in your hair kit for easy application.
About the Expert:
Priscilla Valles is an LA-based celebrity extensionist who literally does anyone who is anyone. The Kardashians? Check. Dua Lipa? You bet. What about It-girl Hailey Bieber? Absolutely.
She’s been in the business for decades and knows everything there is about different types of hair extensions—clip-in extensions, sew-ins, tape-in extensions, and individual extensions. She even launched her own line of high-quality clip-in extensions with Glam Seamless and educates on her Instagram how to create hair looks with them.

A Buying Guide for Clip-in Hair Extensions
Trust us, not all clip-in hair extensions are created equal. You have to think about the quality of the hair that’s used (is it real or synthetic?), the thickness of the seams at the top, the durability of the clips, the types of hairstyles you wear daily, and ultimately, how the extensions blend with your natural hair.
Note the Texture and Compare It to Your Hair Type
“You should look for 100% Remy human hair clip-in extensions (like my luxe clip-ins)," says celebrity extensionist Priscilla Valles. "You should look for the texture, making sure the texture matches your own and making sure the color matches the ends of your hair."
If you have curly hair texture, you’ll need to find clip-ins that match your curl pattern. Of course, clip-ins can be styled with hot tools and hair products, but it’s ideal to start with a base similar to your hair texture for a more natural look.
You’re Extending the End, Not the Root
Valles notes that because the ends of your hair are usually between two to eight hair color shades lighter than the hair at your root, you will be extending from the ends of your hair, so that’s where the color match should be take place.
Price Equals Quality
“When it comes to extensions, you pay for what you get—there is no way to cheat human hair. If something is on the lower end of quality, you can't apply heat to it because synthetic hair will melt,” says Valles.
You can expect to pay a couple hundred dollars for human hair extension pieces. A set from Valles's line costs about $500 for seven clip wefts, but of course, you can buy fewer pieces at a time for a lesser cost.
Best Clip-In Hair Extensions
There’s a reason why Valles does all the major stars’ extensions. She’s a master and can transform any head of hair into a long cascading masterpiece. Her collection with Glam Seamless is as good as clip-in hair extensions get. They’re expensive but last a lifetime, coming in many different colors and textures. There are 20 color options, and you can buy a set of seven clip wefts for a full head or individual pieces. What makes them special and the best of the best are the invisible wefts that are thin and lay flat on the head. No one will know you have clip-ins in.

The first time we heard Balmain had some of the highest quality hair extensions out there we said, “Quelle surprise!” Not because we didn’t expect anything but the best from the brand, but because extensions with such chic accessories had never been achieved before. The company offers half wigs, bangs (that they call “fringe”), and traditional hair piece clip-ins. Their offerings are inspired by the magic that happens backstage during Balmain’s fashion shows. You can feel like a supermodel with these clip-in extensions; no flight to Paris needed.

This chain of Los Angeles-based hair shops practically has a cult following. You will hear pro after pro tell anecdotes of how The Hair Shop saved the day for their last-minute hair needs. They offer professional extensions, but it’s a little-known secret that regulars can also walk in and request a free consultation for extensions, including clip-ins. The staff is super knowledgeable and friendly—a tough feat in LA. If you don’t live in the area, fear not. They sell online and provide hi-def swatches to match your new hair exactly to your real strands.

If it’s good enough for Kim Kardashian, it’s good enough for us! Hidden Crown is a go-to when celebrity hairstylists like Justine Marjan want to create volume, length, and thicker hair for their clients. They offer a few clip-in options in 100% human Remy hair. For the uninitiated, Remy hair is one of the industry's highest tiers of human hair. This type of hair still has its outer cuticle layer, and all hair follicles should face the same direction. The result is natural-looking extensions that last longer, stay shinier, and are tangle-free. Hidden Crown also tapers off its pieces to slightly decrease the bottom of the clip-in, similar to how your natural hair behaves.

Bellami has been killing the Instagram influencer game for a while. They have over one million followers (1.7m and counting!), and the brand has collaborated with in-the-know pros like Guy Tang and Kylie Jenner. They offer a vast selection of clip-ins in all lengths and colors and even have a section for clip-in bangs if you are in the mood. You can purchase their loot online, but if you aren’t the DIY matching type, you can also visit any of their Bellami Beauty Bar locations all over the States and Canada.

Scandinavians have good hair and this brand knows it. Although they offer synthetic extensions, stick with the real human hair version for this brand. They offer a clip-in “hair scrunchie” that is exactly like what it sounds like—a circular hair tie made out of hair. Other great clip-in options from Rapunzel of Sweden include ponytails and bangs. Their exclusive “luxury” tier product has never been processed (except for color) and comes from European hair. How is that for natural-looking hair?