This Genius Japanese Beauty Hack Prevents Hair Loss

Written by Priscila Martinez

Everyone has heard of K-Beauty, but J-Beauty (a.k.a. Japanese beauty) is here to stay. Salons in Japan have been practicing holistic hair spa treatments and lucky for us, this trend just landed stateside. A newly opened Japanese salon on Los Angeles’ chic Melrose Ave employs J-Beauty wisdom to give patrons strong, healthy locks. Trust us, this Japanese beauty hack for hair loss is something you don’t want to pass over.

(Image Source: Getty / BraunS)

Their trick? Scalp massage treatments that are designed to recover damaged hair and prevent hair loss. “The hair spa is perfect for hair recovery and helps to prevent hair loss because it deep cleans the scalp removing product buildup from pores. The scalp massage also helps stimulate blood flow in the scalp which helps strengthen the hair,” Hiroko Fujikawa Mori, founder and owner of MARS+ tells us.

Scalp massages stimulate blood circulation and this, in turn, channels more nutrients to the hair roots. The increased circulation ensures the best starting conditions for every individual hair. Additionally, a stimulating scalp massage has many general benefits for our well-being and two massage techniques stimulate hair growth particularly well.

Hair Pulling Massage

One of these techniques involves reaching with all your fingers into your hair and gently pulling on it. You should feel the tension but you should not pull until it hurts. Use this pulling technique for all your hair. Remember, massages should be a pleasant experience.

Tapping Massage

Another very effective way to stimulate hair growth is the tapping massage, which is even more effective if you first dip your massaging fingers into a little alcohol-containing hair tonic or a droplet of ethereal citrus oil (e. g. bergamot, neroli, grapefruit, or lemongrass oil). Touch your scalp with your fingertips and start tapping gently but in a relatively fast rhythm.

You can perform these techniques on your own, though it’s always preferred to see a professional.

And while we’re talking about hair growth, HERE are four ways castor oil can save your strands!